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Kennedy Space Center Tickets


Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is organised into Mission Zones with attractions and tours arranged chronologically. 

Experience space exploration from its beginnings to current and ongoing missions with the opportunity to get an intimate feel for the story of our endeavour to reach out across the cosmos. 

You’ll celebrate the pioneers of NASA’s early space programs and discover how they inspired the USA to take the giant leap for humanity. Get access to awesome historic launch sites on Kennedy Space Center Bus Tours, discover the secrets of the Space Race, marvel at the incredible space shuttle Atlantis and feel like a real astronaut with the Shuttle Launch Experience®.   

With astonishing exhibitions, displays, shows and a mesmerising IMAX Theater to enjoy, arrive early to make the most of this full-day experience.

For Information or to Book: Contact us today on 01 878 3500 or via email at [email protected]