House of Illusion Salou - Tickets

The House of Illusion magic show in Salou has received rave reviews for it’s baffling close up tricks, mind boggling illusions, comedy and mind reading acts.
With a fantastic new show for your entertainment, there are three different packages available: VIP, Gold & Silver, all offering a fantastic magic show and all inclusive drinks but now with the option to use the VIP and Gold lounges and with the chance of meeting the cast and receiving souvenir signed programmes too.
The House of Illusion has two shows - the early show at 18.30h includes a meal with unlimited beer, wine and soft drinks, and the later 22.00h show with drinks only but with tapas available to buy throughout the show.
For a really magical evening that will intrigue, amuse and entertain you, the House of Illusion will make your holiday perfect!